zBitx – The 5 watts QRP all band, all mode radio ($149)
The zBitx breaks new barriers in price performance charts with a world class SDR with 24 bit ADC, hybrid crystal roofing filter, robust 10 watt PA and really fast Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
Work the world with a few watts on 80M to 10M on two LiPo Cells! The zBitx is the most powerful SDR with 64-bit Raspberry Pi Zero 2W inside it. Work CW, SSB, FT8, log your contacts and operate with the smooth, noiseless electronic T/R and filter switching, temperature compensated, low noise oscillator.
The zBitx has all the features and the same software that powers the sBitx radios in a smaller, less expensive radio. Explore FT8, FreeDV, QSSTV, all without any wires and computer connections!
Read all about it here. Deliveries start in February
sBitx v3 – Integrated 25 watts SDR ($399)
- Runs FT8, SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31 and others out of the box (no computer required)
- Compact 10″x 6″x 2″ size, slips into the backpack
- Raspberry Pi inside, all preconfigured software & source code on-board
- Hackable, tinkerable, scriptable
- Integrates logging, logbook, spotting in one compact box
- High Performance Hybrid SDR with passive front-end
- Brick wall crystal filter 8 crystals
- Fully electronic T/R and band switching
- Open source, documented
- Powered it from an external 11.1v LiPo batteries for field ops
It’s Most fun CW rig
- Carry it in the field with it’s on-screen CW keyboard
- Macros for sending often repeated messages/phrases
- Automatic logging with searchable logbook
- Sensitive CW decoder using fldigi
Grab that DX quick
Transmit standard messages with macros and log them on the spot!
Spot it!
The built-in telnet client shows you the band condition right now (needs Internet)
Operate your sBitx over the WiFi with your phone/tab/computer
µBITX: Lets you Explore the World ($150 USD)
The µBITX| Circuit Details | Basic Kit ($160 USD) | Full kit ($209) | Assembly
A General Coverage HF transceiver kit – No soldering required
Assemble the µBITX transceiver in an hour with just a screwdriver! A general coverage, 10 watts HF SSB/CW transceiver kit with features you NEED for operating ease, convenience and versatility. It works from 3 MHz to 30 MHz, with up to 10 watts on SSB and CW, with a very sensitive receiver. It features digital tuning, dual VFOs, RIT, CW Keyer and more.

Small is QRP
It is a small 6-1/2. inches by 6 inch board with minimum wires and controls that you can drop into any box and wire up within an evening. Add batteries and its low current consumption will make it an ideal travel companion or a great station rig.
Big on Performance
The µBITX has a sparklingly clear receiver. A roofing filter at 45 MHz and an 11.059 MHz QER SSB filter with a whopping 8 crystals. Powered by the Si5351, it gives you rock stable performance at all frequencies. Work that PSK31 or FT8 pile up or just ragchew the local gang.
It sports a push-pull output and driver stage for a low distortion, big station sound. It uses cheap IRF510s for PA, so you don’t have to worry about blowing up your finals, they are cheap to replace.
The TFT Raduino The µBITX ‘s Raduino plugs into the main µBITX board. It is an Arduino Nano powered, small, hackable board based on the rock steady Si5351 synthesizer with a bright 2.8 inch, 320×240 TFT display, 6 analog ports, three oscillators and six digital lines. It comes preloaded with µBITX’s free and open source software, so you can add all the features you want to!
Receiver Listen to the sensitive, low distortion, all analog receiver. The front-end diode mixer followed by a Hayward/Kopski TIA makes this a crisp receiver that doesn’t overload easily. The 45 MHz roofing filter at the first IF and the 8 crystals SSB filter will please your ears with natural sound.
Transmitter 10 watts of low distortion SSB provides you with enough juice to have thousands of contacts on all HF bands. Chase DX on CW, ragchew on PSK31 or work the nets on SSB. Any common 3 ampere 12 linear volts supply or a set of eight AA batteries will provide enough power for this transceiver.
To be hackable, it has to be understandable. The µBITX circuit design is simple enough to fit a single page. It’s simplicity encourages you to modify, change and experiment.
The µBITX is easily programmable in Arduino’s simple C language. The rig can be uploaded with your own software with just a USB cable. If you made a mistake, just load back the original version from the web!
The main board uses discrete, large-sized SMD components laid out in an easy-to-understand manner on a double-sided board with broad tracks. This can be your main module around which you can start experimenting.
The kit comes in two flavours:
The Basic kit has parts can be installed inside any box that you like. Make your own station rigs, man-packs, SOTA rigs, trail radio or mount it in a cigar box and leave it on your bedside table.
The Full Kit comes with a laser cut, powder coated aluminium box, a large 3-1/2 inch speaker to assemble a complete, working transceiver. You only need an antenna and a 12v, 3A power supply to work the world!
Box Content (Full kit)
- Main uBITX v6 board1. Main uBITX board with mounting hardware
- TFT – Raduino Board with Display with mounting hardware for the front panel
- Encoder with presoldered cable
- Tuning knob
- Volume control knob
- USB extender cable
- Mounting screws, nuts
- Microphone
- Power supply jack
- Speaker
- Cabinet (box) – chassis, front, back panel and top panels
The SMT components of the sBitx boards assembled on by a local Pick and Place shop. The rest of the components are are hand-assembled by a collective of women. Each of the toroids is hand wound. This provides these women with livelihood. The assembled boards are then DC checked and a final RF check is performed to check the receiver’s sensitivity as well as transmitter’s output before being shipped. Each board is individually numbered. The test report is shipped with every individual radio.